8 Reasons Why I hope Americans vote for Mitt Romney

Here are some of the reasons why I hope Mitt Romney wins the USA presidential election:
1. Turnaround leader---Mitt Romney has proven track record as turnaround leader---financially turning around the scandal-ridden and mismanaged 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, USA; turning around Massachusetts economy while governor there; turning around losing corporations. I believe he could turn around the ailing USA economy with decisive and pragmatic reforms.
I believe the world now is economically in a precarious situation with financial crises in Europe and USA, a slowing China economy, a stagnant Japan economy, so we need robust reforms and hopefully a genuine recovery in the USA economy under a Romney presidency.
2. Intellectual brilliance & high intelligence---Romney is an intelligent, well-educated leader with impressive credentials.
He attended Stanford University, then earned a Bachelor of Arts in English degree with highest honors from Brigham Young University and also gave the commencement speech, then earning a joint Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration from Harvard University's Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated with top honors from both Harvard schools---cum laude in the law school and among the top-ranked graduates in the business school.
3. Strong support for small businesses, free enterprise ideals & less taxes---Romney vigorously supports the expansion of small businesses, lesser taxes and promotion of enlightened free enterprise ideals as antidotes to the ailing USA economy, instead of the ideas of increased government spending and higher taxes to stimulate the economy.
I am very wary of excessive government dole-outs and other huge wasteful USA government expenditures to prop up badly-run companies, or too much welfare policies. I am for welfare and social assistance policies, but these should be balanced with encouraging more self-reliance and self-help initiatives too.
4. Solid family values and anti-abortion stance---Romney is a good family man with solid moral values and conservative social policies.
An example: I admire Romney's courageous stand in opposing the legality of abortion on demand. I believe human life begins at conception and that abortion is tantamount to the unforgivable crime of murder. I am horrified at the widespread prevalence of abortions in the millions happening every year in the U.S.

5. Centrist & pragmatic ideology in politics---Mitt Romney is ideologically centrist, not overly liberal or ultra-left in political, social and economic issues. Romney is also not too rightwing, therefore he could help unify the deeply divided American politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties as he had done so as Massachusetts governor vis-a-vis the Democrats-dominated state legislature then.
USA politics is so toxic now and polarized, the fiscal cliff is also a real danger for America and threatens the stability of our world economy. We need a centrist, pragmatic and non-ideological unifying leader in the U.S. to push drastic, systemic---not cosmetic or feel-good---reforms.
The reason for this centrist nature of Mitt Romney, I believe, is because Romney has been a businessman and therefore more of a pragmatist than an ideologue politico.
Critics have unfairly hit Romney for allegedly changing some of his political stands or policy pronouncements in the past, but I view all that as proofs that Mitt Romney is above all a flexible and pragmatic leader.
As the late great China leader and daring reformist Deng Xiaoping once famously said: "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice."
6. Potential good friend of Asia, not adversarial because of business & pragmatic mindset---I believe Mitt Romney will be good and fair to Asia. There are many in Asia who are concerned that Romney is too anti-China in his election campaign rhetoric and TV commercials, too anti-Asian exports, or that he might curb or curtail Asian exports to America, etc. I believe Romney is a pragmatist, and he will be like the late U.S. President Richard Nixon.
Remember how Nixon was once the most stridently anti-Communist and also anti-China politician in USA Cold War era before he won power as president? After he went to the White House, it was eventually a pragmatic Nixon who boldly initiated detente with and more diplomatic exchanges with China then still under Chairman Mao Zedong of the leftist Cultural Revolution era. China now vastly different and still modernizing, a pragmatist Romney will make the U.S. an economic partner of China.
Since we in Asia has the world's fastest-growing and most dynamic economies, the pragmatic ex-businessman Mitt Romney will surely reach out to Asia and make the USA our partner for world progress.
Towards South Korea, Japan, Asean and other export-driven economies of our region, I believe Mitt Romney will boost USA ties to Asia based mainly on our economic strengths and strategic importance.
7. Strong support for Israel & for Middle East Peace---I admire Mitt Romney for his strong support for Israel, that dynamic democracy in the Middle East.
I believe his leadership can lead to lasting peace between Jews and Palestinians as well as other Arab or Muslim peoples of the whole Middle East, because Romney is pragmatist and decisive as a leader.
8. A Successful former businessman ideal for USA's No. 1 Problem of the economy---I have nothing against lawyers becoming leaders, like Barack Obama, but the Number 1 problem of America now is the U.S. economy, so why not try a former top businessman and chief executive officer (CEO) like Mitt Romney in the White House?
This former businessman Mitt Romney knows how to handle money and financial problems more than any other leader in USA politics now. In fact, he himself has built a personal net worth of a quarter of a billion dollars or US$250 million which are now mostly in blind trusts. He has proven track record of success in handling financial and money issues, why not let this talented ex-businessman solve the myriad, systemic and complex problems of the ailing U.S. economy?

Here are some of the reasons why I hope Mitt Romney wins the USA presidential election:
1. Turnaround leader---Mitt Romney has proven track record as turnaround leader---financially turning around the scandal-ridden and mismanaged 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, USA; turning around Massachusetts economy while governor there; turning around losing corporations. I believe he could turn around the ailing USA economy with decisive and pragmatic reforms.
I believe the world now is economically in a precarious situation with financial crises in Europe and USA, a slowing China economy, a stagnant Japan economy, so we need robust reforms and hopefully a genuine recovery in the USA economy under a Romney presidency.
2. Intellectual brilliance & high intelligence---Romney is an intelligent, well-educated leader with impressive credentials.
He attended Stanford University, then earned a Bachelor of Arts in English degree with highest honors from Brigham Young University and also gave the commencement speech, then earning a joint Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration from Harvard University's Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated with top honors from both Harvard schools---cum laude in the law school and among the top-ranked graduates in the business school.
3. Strong support for small businesses, free enterprise ideals & less taxes---Romney vigorously supports the expansion of small businesses, lesser taxes and promotion of enlightened free enterprise ideals as antidotes to the ailing USA economy, instead of the ideas of increased government spending and higher taxes to stimulate the economy.
I am very wary of excessive government dole-outs and other huge wasteful USA government expenditures to prop up badly-run companies, or too much welfare policies. I am for welfare and social assistance policies, but these should be balanced with encouraging more self-reliance and self-help initiatives too.
4. Solid family values and anti-abortion stance---Romney is a good family man with solid moral values and conservative social policies.
An example: I admire Romney's courageous stand in opposing the legality of abortion on demand. I believe human life begins at conception and that abortion is tantamount to the unforgivable crime of murder. I am horrified at the widespread prevalence of abortions in the millions happening every year in the U.S.
5. Centrist & pragmatic ideology in politics---Mitt Romney is ideologically centrist, not overly liberal or ultra-left in political, social and economic issues. Romney is also not too rightwing, therefore he could help unify the deeply divided American politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties as he had done so as Massachusetts governor vis-a-vis the Democrats-dominated state legislature then.
USA politics is so toxic now and polarized, the fiscal cliff is also a real danger for America and threatens the stability of our world economy. We need a centrist, pragmatic and non-ideological unifying leader in the U.S. to push drastic, systemic---not cosmetic or feel-good---reforms.
The reason for this centrist nature of Mitt Romney, I believe, is because Romney has been a businessman and therefore more of a pragmatist than an ideologue politico.
Critics have unfairly hit Romney for allegedly changing some of his political stands or policy pronouncements in the past, but I view all that as proofs that Mitt Romney is above all a flexible and pragmatic leader.
As the late great China leader and daring reformist Deng Xiaoping once famously said: "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice."
6. Potential good friend of Asia, not adversarial because of business & pragmatic mindset---I believe Mitt Romney will be good and fair to Asia. There are many in Asia who are concerned that Romney is too anti-China in his election campaign rhetoric and TV commercials, too anti-Asian exports, or that he might curb or curtail Asian exports to America, etc. I believe Romney is a pragmatist, and he will be like the late U.S. President Richard Nixon.
Remember how Nixon was once the most stridently anti-Communist and also anti-China politician in USA Cold War era before he won power as president? After he went to the White House, it was eventually a pragmatic Nixon who boldly initiated detente with and more diplomatic exchanges with China then still under Chairman Mao Zedong of the leftist Cultural Revolution era. China now vastly different and still modernizing, a pragmatist Romney will make the U.S. an economic partner of China.
Since we in Asia has the world's fastest-growing and most dynamic economies, the pragmatic ex-businessman Mitt Romney will surely reach out to Asia and make the USA our partner for world progress.
Towards South Korea, Japan, Asean and other export-driven economies of our region, I believe Mitt Romney will boost USA ties to Asia based mainly on our economic strengths and strategic importance.
7. Strong support for Israel & for Middle East Peace---I admire Mitt Romney for his strong support for Israel, that dynamic democracy in the Middle East.
I believe his leadership can lead to lasting peace between Jews and Palestinians as well as other Arab or Muslim peoples of the whole Middle East, because Romney is pragmatist and decisive as a leader.
8. A Successful former businessman ideal for USA's No. 1 Problem of the economy---I have nothing against lawyers becoming leaders, like Barack Obama, but the Number 1 problem of America now is the U.S. economy, so why not try a former top businessman and chief executive officer (CEO) like Mitt Romney in the White House?
This former businessman Mitt Romney knows how to handle money and financial problems more than any other leader in USA politics now. In fact, he himself has built a personal net worth of a quarter of a billion dollars or US$250 million which are now mostly in blind trusts. He has proven track record of success in handling financial and money issues, why not let this talented ex-businessman solve the myriad, systemic and complex problems of the ailing U.S. economy?

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