More USA newspapers endorsing Mitt Romney? This report from New York Times. Exciting & close election! Vote Romney
I came across this feature in the newspaper New York Times just now, and I'm impressed that this report shows more former supporters of Obama in the 2008 presidential election have now switched their support for businessman and former Governor Mitt Romney.
The reason I personally favor Mitt Romney? I'm concerned about the ailing USA economy and I really believe Romney is much more capable to turn around the economy.
Here's the New York Times feature below:
Newspaper Endorsements From Across the Nation
The presidential endorsements of the nation’s largest papers are starting to trickle in. Not surprisingly, most editorial boards supported the same party in 2012 as they had in 2008. But there were some notable exceptions.
All 2012 Endorsements
Switched Party in 2012
Barack Obama
Sunday, Oct. 28
New Yorker | New York City, N.Y.
The Choice
The choice is clear. The Romney-Ryan ticket represents a constricted and backward-looking vision of America: the privatization of the public good. In contrast, the sort of public investment championed by Obama—and exemplified by both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Affordable Care Act—takes to heart the old civil-rights motto “Lifting as we climb.” That effort cannot, by itself, reverse the rise of inequality that has been under way for at least three decades. But we’ve already seen the future that Romney represents, and it doesn’t work. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 25
San Francisco Chronicle | San Francisco
Chronicle Recommends: Re-elect Obama
This is a president who was willing to send Navy SEALs on a daring mission to kill terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and to take a stand for marriage equality. This is a Democrat who will push against the party base for trade agreements and education reform. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 25
Miami Herald | Miami
Obama for President
In the end, Mr. Obama’s policies across the board — the environment, social policy, taxes and immigration — offer a more generous vision for America. The issues he has fought for, coupled with the lingering doubts about Mr. Romney’s persona and his true intentions, make this a clear choice. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 25
Chicago Tribune | Chicago
Our Children's America
Four years ago, when we endorsed Obama’s run for the White House, we said he would act with decisiveness and intellectual rigor. Ironically he has shown those attributes most where Americans might have expected them least. That is, in his handling of an unfamiliar realm: world affairs. | Read Full Endorsement »
Wednesday, Oct. 24
Washington Post | Washington
Four More Years for President Obama
In a second term, working with an opposition that we hope would be chastened by the failure of its scorched-earth campaign against him, he is far more likely than his opponent to succeed. That makes Mr. Obama by far the superior choice. | Read Full Endorsement »
Monday, Oct. 22
Tacoma News Tribune | Tacoma, Wash.
With Sobered Expectations, Obama for President
Obama has played a very bad hand well. The maligned Troubled Asset Relief Program, the 2009 stimulus bill and such smaller measures as the Social Security payroll tax cut may well have kept the nation from falling off a cliff. | Read Full Endorsement »
Monday, Oct. 22
La Opinion | Los Angeles
Hay Que Reelegir a Obama
Because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or "Obamacare," now nine million Latinos have health benefits, who up until the present did not have any type of medical coverage. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Newark Star-Ledger | Newark
Barack Obama: The Star-Ledger Editorial Board's Pick for President
Our hope is that Obama wins decisively and that Republicans respond by moving toward the middle, as Democrats did under Bill Clinton. That may be wishful thinking, but it is the nation’s best hope. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
New Haven Register | New Haven
President Barack Obama Should Be Re-elected
Despite his shortcomings, Obama will be remembered as the president who achieved near universal health care through private insurance, a goal that has eluded presidents since Harry S. Truman, who first proposed it in 1948. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Los Angeles Times | Los Angeles
Obama for President
Voters face a momentous choice in November between two candidates offering sharply different prescriptions for what ails the country. Obama's recalls the successful formula of the 1990s, when the government raised taxes and slowed spending to close the deficit. The alternative offered by Romney would neglect the country's infrastructure and human resources for the sake of yet another tax cut and a larger defense budget than even the Pentagon is seeking. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Charlotte Observer | Charlotte, N.C.
At a Crucial Time, Uninspiring Choices for President
The America he believes in celebrates the common good as well as the individual good. When the economy improves – and it will – the country needs a president with that agenda, with those values. We endorse Barack Obama for another four years. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Arizona Daily Star | Tucson
Obama's Agenda Gives Steady Hand to Economic Growth
Principled leadership, consensus and time are required. Obama's accomplishments and positions on health care, higher education, and economic and social issues continue to make him the best choice for the interests at home in Southern Arizona and in our country. | Read Full Endorsement »
Friday, Oct. 19
Cleveland Plain Dealer | Cleveland
On the Basis of Sound Leadership, Re-elect Obama
Today, we recommend President Obama's re-election. He has led the nation back from the brink of depression. Ohio in particular has benefited from his bold decision to revive the domestic auto industry. Because of his determination to fulfill a decades-old dream of Democrats, 30 million more Americans will soon have health insurance. His Race to the Top initiative seeded many of the education reforms embodied in Cleveland's Transformation Plan. He ended the war in Iraq and refocused the battle to disrupt al-Qaida and its terrorist allies. He ordered the risky attack inside Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden. | Read Full Endorsement »
Friday, Oct. 19
Akron Beacon Journal | Akron, Ohio
Obama for President
What is telling about a presidency is its tilt, its direction, spirit and priorities. Thus, to those who argue the president lacks a plan for a second term: Look at the foundation that has been set. He has used the levers of government to bolster the economy, investing in education, innovation and health care, understanding the essential role of the public sector in competitiveness. Those tasks are not complete. They would continue. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 18
Tampa Bay Times | St. Petersburg, Fla.
Obama Has Earned Second Term
We wish the economic recovery was more vigorous, and we would like the president to present a sharper vision for a second term. But Obama has capably steered the nation through an incredibly difficult period at home and abroad, often with little help from Congress. The next four years will not be easy for whoever occupies the Oval Office, but Obama has been tested by harsh circumstance and proven himself worthy of a second term. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 18
San Antonio Express-News | San Antonio
Obama has Earned a Second Term
No candidate has all the right policies — that includes Barack Obama. But having weathered the challenges of the last four years, we believe he is in a better position to guide the nation over the next four years — and has earned from voters the privilege to do so. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed John McCain in 2008
Thursday, Oct. 18
Salt Lake Tribune | Salt Lake City
Too Many Mitts
In considering which candidate to endorse, The Salt Lake Tribune editorial board had hoped that Romney would exhibit the same talents for organization, pragmatic problem-solving and inspired leadership that he displayed here more than a decade ago. Instead, we have watched him morph into a friend of the far right, then tack toward the center with breathtaking aplomb. Through a pair of presidential debates, Romney’s domestic agenda remains bereft of detail and worthy of mistrust. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 18
Denver Post | Denver
Barack Obama for President
This is an election that begs the candidates to demonstrate what they plan to do moving forward. Neither has done enough to lead us to think voters on Nov. 6 aren't, to a certain degree, being asked to make a leap of faith. But Obama's record of accomplishment under trying circumstances and his blueprint for a second term make him the best pick to move the nation forward. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 13
Winston-Salem Journal | Winston-Salem, N.C.
Obama is Best Choice for President
Obama has a keen vision that he has worked hard to achieve, against considerable obstacles and often courageously. But the goal is in sight: An America respected worldwide as much for its prosperity as its defense of liberty and justice. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed John McCain in 2008
Saturday, Oct. 13
Sacramento Bee | Sacramento
Barack Obama for President
Voters often say they want their elected leaders to keep their promises and, at crucial moments, show real political backbone. President Barack Obama deserves a second term largely because he has delivered on both of these fronts. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 13
Philadelphia Inquirer | Philadelphia
Obama Will Do a Better Job
Like every election with an incumbent, this one is mostly about that person's performance. But that doesn't mean the challenger gets to escape scrutiny. And when you take a close look at Romney, you have to question what is real and what isn't. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 13
Lincoln Journal Star | Lincoln, Neb.
Obama Best for Middle Class
Obama has been tested and found equal to the task of being president. We think the country is in better shape than it was four years ago, and we think it will be in even better shape if he wins another term in office. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed John McCain in 2008
Saturday, Oct. 13
Daily Herald | Everett, Wash.
Re-elect President Obama
For supporters and opponents alike, the Obama Administration has taken too long to pull out of the Great Recession, too long to end two wars, and too long to corral a hidebound U.S. Congress hindered by a never-yield partisanship. At times incremental steps feel workmanlike and uninspired. Nevertheless, from passing Wall Street reforms and rescuing the U.S. auto industry, to ending the war in Iraq and repealing don't-ask-don't-tell, Barack Obama has moved the country forward. | Read Full Endorsement »
Did not offer endorsement in 2008
Saturday, Oct. 13
Charleston Gazette | Charleston, W.Va.
Obama: For President
We think Obama is a brilliant statesman who has uplifted America after the debacle of the Bush-Cheney epoch. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 11
Flint Journal | Flint, Mich.
President Barack Obama is the Best Choice
We wish Romney had been willing to show the Mitt Romney that showed up at the first 2012 presidential debate throughout this campaign. We especially appreciated his more moderate demeanor. Romney's strength is his moderate views -- something he needs to spend more time on rather than kowtow to the very loud and extreme segments of his party. | Read Full Endorsement »
Sunday, Oct. 7
San Francisco Examiner | San Francisco
The San Francisco Examiner Backs Barack Obama for President
A president’s second term is an opportunity to implement his legacy agenda. Nothing we have seen suggests that Barack Obama will be content to rest on his laurels in the next four years. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 6
St. Louis Post-Dispatch | St. Louis
Obama for President: A Second Term for a Serious Man
Four years ago, in endorsing Democrat Barack Obama for president, we noted his intellect, his temperament and equanimity under pressure. He was unproven, but we found him to be presidential, in all that that word implies. In that, we have not been disappointed. This is a serious man. And now he is a proven leader. He has earned a second term. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Sept. 27
Seattle Times | Seattle
The Times Recommends Barack Obama for President, Again
Obama’s presidency has been disappointing, but he still has promise. Romney would be too much of a gamble. | Read Full Endorsement »
Mitt Romney
Thursday, Oct. 25
South Florida Sun Sentinel | Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Sun Sentinel Endorses Mitt Romney for President
The president had enormous opportunity when he took office, with Democrats controlling both houses of Congress. But he failed to focus on Job One: Jobs. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Thursday, Oct. 25
Press-Telegram | Long Beach, Calif.
Mitt Romney for President
As president, Romney would not be restrained by foolish consistency. He would be expected to do the right thing no matter where the solutions originate. This is the most precious trait an officeholder can have in this era of corrosive hyperpartisanship. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Wednesday, Oct. 24
New York Post | New York City, N.Y.
For America's Future, The Post Endorses Mitt Romney for President
Scrape it down to bedrock, and Mitt Romney knows that there is but one issue in this campaign: America’s woeful economy, and the demonstrated inability of President Obama to cope with it. | Read Full Endorsement »
Wednesday, Oct. 24
Detroit News | Detroit
Editorial: Mitt Romney for President
Hope and change are still what Americans are seeking. This time, Republican challenger and Michigan native Mitt Romney offers the best hope of changing the nation's fate. | Read Full Endorsement »
Tuesday, Oct. 23
Grand Rapids Press | Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mitt Romney's Experience and Leadership Can Rebuild America's Economy
Mitt Romney will never electrify an audience with soaring oratory. He might not stir deep passions. But we believe he brings competence to go with confidence that comes with a record of leadership that our country desperately needs, especially in terms of our economy. | Read Full Endorsement »
Monday, Oct. 22
Boston Herald | Boston
Romney’s The One
This nation desperately needs the kind of leadership on the economy that Mitt Romney can provide — that is based on sound principles of flattening out tax rates so that the overburdened middle class can keep more of what they earn and small businesses can grow, providing a much-needed job boost. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Tampa Tribune | Tampa, Fla.
Mitt Romney for President
President Obama may have good intentions, but he is simply taking the nation in the wrong direction. Seasoned executive Romney would come to office ready to put the country on the course to more freedom and prosperity. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Spokesman-Review | Spokane, Wash.
Editorial: Romney Has Better Shot at Solving Nation’s Crisis
We believe Mitt Romney could bring a fresh approach unburdened by recriminations. He has extensive management and leadership experience, and worked with the opposite party as Massachusetts governor. The nation needs that Romney, not the one who pandered to the tea party wing of the Republican Party to secure the nomination. If elected, he needs to take on that faction with the same resolve he’s shown challenging Obama. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
New Hampshire Union Leader | Manchester, N.H.
Why Mitt? Reality Over Fantasy
Obama had four years — half of them with a Democratic majority in Congress — to try his way. Romney offers a better way, a realistic way, to restore American prosperity. We tried the fantasy. It did not work. Now it is time to stop dreaming and start growing again. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 20
Columbus Dispatch | Columbus, Ohio
For President
After nearly four years of economic stagnation, massive unemployment, record-setting debt and government intrusions into the economy that have paralyzed the private sector, the United States needs a new direction. For this reason, The Dispatch urges voters to choose Republican Mitt Romney for president in the Nov. 6 election. | Read Full Endorsement »
Friday, Oct. 19
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review | Pittsburgh
Mitt Romney for President
Mitt Romney offers a seasoned, strategic and mature public policy mind so sorely needed in the White House and so necessary to enable our great nation and its people to excel. It’s time to begin restoring America. It’s time to elect Mitt Romney as president of the United States. | Read Full Endorsement »
Friday, Oct. 19
Lowell Sun | Lowell, Mass.
Mitt Romney for President
There is no need to retrench from the ideal of American exceptionalism either at home or on the world stage, says Romney. We are an exceptional people, he says, and we must demand exceptional leadership. In The Sun's view, that's where America has fallen off track these past four years. America trusted a "hope and change" candidate, it didn't work, and we're suffering the consequences. Now we've got a tested leader with a proven track record standing before us - Mitt Romney - and it's his time to inspire Americans to greatness. It's Romney's time to bring us together in a single purpose that embraces fairness, self-reliance, responsibility, rugged individualism, entrepreneurial spirit and unlimited success. | Read Full Endorsement »
Friday, Oct. 19
Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Fort Worth
Mitt Romney: New Leadership for More Economic Growth
The slow U.S. economy and its discouragingly high unemployment overshadow the other important issues in this election. Economic recovery must be spurred to a faster pace, and a change to Romney's leadership would do that. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Friday, Oct. 19
Arizona Republic | Tucson
Romney Can Lead Economy Forward
The economy indisputably will benefit, perhaps significantly, from a flatter, fairer system of taxation along the lines proposed by Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan. | Read Full Endorsement »
Thursday, Oct. 18
Reno Gazette-Journal | Reno, Nev.
Nevada Needs a Change Now; Elect Mitt Romney President
Based on our current fiscal condition, a still-weak economy and a Congress deeply divided along party lines, our next president will continue to face a daunting challenge, one that must be met for the good of the country. Four years later, we find ourselves in need of change yet again. Romney must be the leader to get things moving. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Thursday, Oct. 18
Orlando Sentinel | Orlando, Fla.
Our Pick for President: Romney
Romney is not our ideal candidate for president. We've been turned off by his appeals to social conservatives and immigration extremists. Like most presidential hopefuls, including Obama four years ago, Romney faces a steep learning curve on foreign policy. But the core of Romney's campaign platform, his five-point plan, at least shows he understands that reviving the economy and repairing the government's balance sheet are imperative — now, not four years in the future. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Thursday, Oct. 18
Houston Chronicle | Houston
Romney for President
Our endorsement of Mitt Romney is not unqualified. He must address the perception that he tailors his message to suit any given audience. And his economic plans lack specificity. There's a lot of concern that his tax and budget proposals won't add up without gutting our social safety net. "Trust me" is not good enough. Between now and Nov. 6, Romney needs to go to the blackboard and show us the math. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Wednesday, Oct. 17
Tennessean | Nashville
Time for Another Change
The 2012 presidential race is fraught with confusion and failed expectations, so much so that it is surprising that any reasonable voter would feel comfortable pressing the button for either President Barack Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney. What is downright infuriating is that, after four years of an Obama presidency and two years of campaigning and 22 televised debates by Romney, so many questions remain and it is difficult to discern what the next four years would look like with either man in charge. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Monday, Oct. 15
New York Observer | New York City, N.Y.
Romney for President
Over the last few weeks, Mr. Romney has shown that he is a moderate to his core—he is a manager, and a listener, who believes he can restore the balance between the private and public sectors that has been a hallmark of the American economy. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Saturday, Oct. 13
Pueblo Chieftain | Pueblo, Colo.
It’s Romney
There has to be a better way, and Mitt Romney is pointing to that way. He has outlined a pro-growth package of initiatives that can get this country humming again. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 13
Macomb Daily | Mount Clemens, Mich.
Romney the Leader America Needs to Create More Jobs
Let’s face it: Romney is more of a businessman than a politician. You can resent his wealth all you want, but he has a proven record as a turnaround artist. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 13
Columbian | Vancouver, Wash.
President of the United States: Mitt Romney
Romney lacks Obama's credentials and experience in foreign policy. But he better understands how an economic recovery is powered by an incentivized private sector, not a bloated bureaucracy. | Read Full Endorsement »
Endorsed Barack Obama in 2008
Friday, Oct. 12
Oakland Press | Oakland, Mich.
Romney the Leader America Needs to Create More Jobs
Let’s face it: Romney is more of a businessman than a politician. You can resent his wealth all you want, but he has a proven record as a turnaround artist. | Read Full Endorsement »
Sunday, Oct. 7
Omaha World-Herald | Omaha
Economy Needs Mitt Romney
A Romney presidency would bring the fiscal discipline necessary to attack the deficit and lead the economy out of the slowest recovery in the nation's history. He would create a common-sense tax and regulatory environment that incorporates the stability and predictability needed to spark new investment, create jobs and get the economy moving. | Read Full Endorsement »
Saturday, Oct. 6
Las Vegas Review- Journal | Las Vegas
For President: Mitt Romney
Nevadans need a president with a vision and political philosophy capable of restoring ingenuity, competition and excellence to our education and health care systems, of paring back the budget deficit and the explosive growth of our debt, of keeping energy affordable, of bringing back jobs and prosperity not just here, but in every American city with residents who want enough economic security to be able to take a Las Vegas vacation. | Read Full Endorsement »
Monday, Oct. 1
Gazette | Colorado Springs
Romney Has the Vision We Need
Though Romney believes in limited government, he rightly supports a strong military to protect freedom and prosperity. He promises to restore military jobs that may be lost in January to sequestration — a process of automatic spending cuts resulting from budgetary gridlock. | Read Full Endorsement »
Did not offer endorsement in 2008
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